Community ImpactSeptember 21, 2017

The Lasting Impact of Volunteering on Summer Vacation

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The children of our Spectrum employees are back at school. And this year they had something special to reflect on from summer vacation. Many made volunteering a family affair, and joined Mom or Dad to spend their time off pitching in with Spectrum Housing Assist and our nonprofit partners. Check out the heartfelt work these volunteers did on their summer vacation, and read why many were inspired to continue to look for opportunities to give back.

Mala Found Joy in Helping Others

Mala learned to paint this summer vacation

Mala learned to paint on her summer vacation, while volunteering with her mom Robin.

Mala joined her mom Robin, who works in facilities in Stamford, Connecticut, to volunteer at the Dyckman Senior Center in New York City. “It felt good to help others … I’d probably like to bring my brother next time,” said Mala. Mom and daughter painted the long-overlooked kitchen area, and made sure not to miss a spot. “I’ve only ever painted once in my life before,” said Mala, 14. She learned valuable skills, and realized painting is hard, but rewarding.

Caroline and Luke Were Inspired

Luke & Caroline were inspired by volunteering on summer vacation.

Luke, Mom, and Caroline (left to right), were inspired by volunteering on summer vacation.

Siblings Caroline and Luke signed up to volunteer at the Monroe Food Pantry with their mom, Judy, a recruiting executive in Stamford. They were hoping for a fun, family-friendly activity, and got much more. “I’ve had friends who at times have relied on a food pantry and can appreciate why this project is important,” said Luke, 14. Caroline, 16, said she was tuckered out by the end of the day, but felt restored. “I could see how my efforts had helped renew the pantry,” she said. “A window here, a wall and those doors there … in some modest measure helped to improve the experience of the families using it and the volunteers who staff it.”

Cristina Plans to Continue Volunteering

Cristina pitched in at one of our events during summer vacation.

Cristina brought her volunteer spirit to one of our events during her summer vacation with her mom Lisa.

Cristina signed up to volunteer with her mom, Lisa, an executive assistant for Charter. Cristina, 15, was eager to give back and report service hours to her school. “It was good to get out of the house during the summer break and help fix the Food Pantry, knowing I was making a difference to help people who need support,” said Cristina. A regular volunteer, Cristina has supported her brother’s Eagle Scout projects in the past, and hopes to keep lending a hand.

Siblings Dylan and Kayla Loved Contributing

Giving back on summer vacation meant the world to these student volunteers.

Dylan (rear) and Kayla (center) enjoyed giving back during their summer vacation with Jayda (left) and fellow volunteer Jerome.

Dylan and Kayla joined their mom Kim, a communications director in Wisconsin, at a volunteer event near home. They brought along their friend Jayda and could see how important volunteering was to their Mom. “She really was excited and thought it would be a great opportunity, which it really was,” said Kayla, 17, who plans to continue volunteering in her community. Dylan, 15, said he liked the feeling of contributing: “Volunteering made me feel good knowing I just made someone else’s day.”

A Rewarding Day for Hannah

Volunteering was rewarding for Hannah.

Hannah learned new skills while volunteering on her summer vacation.

Hannah and her dad Jim, who is in a business intelligence leadership role for Charter, showed up to the Monroe Food Pantry ready to work. They weeded, sanded, taped and painted the exterior of the building, determined to make the Pantry look its best. “At the end of the day, I felt a healthy combination of exhaustion and pride,” said Hannah, 16. “To have been a part of the process was incredibly rewarding!”

To learn more about our volunteering partners, click here.