Community ImpactOctober 29, 2018

Introducing the 2018 Spectrum Digital Education Grant Recipients

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Twenty-three deserving nonprofits were announced as winners of the second round of Spectrum Digital Education grants today, one year after our grant program made its inaugural impact. This philanthropic initiative of Charter Communications is designed to support nonprofit organizations that educate community members on the benefits of broadband and how to use it to improve their lives.

The grants fulfill a $1 million commitment to provide digital education in Charter communities through financial awards to nonprofit organizations.

“Charter is thrilled to announce the recipients of the Spectrum Digital Education grants,” said Rahman Khan, Vice President of Spectrum Community Impact at Charter Communications. “We are confident the chosen organizations will help satisfy our mission to provide communities in need with the necessary tools to grow and prosper in the digital age.”

Meet the 23 Spectrum Digital Education Grant Recipients

Charter received 170 eligible grant applications and awarded Spectrum Digital Education grants to 23 nonprofit organizations, including seven repeat winners that received funding in 2017.  

The following is a complete list of award winners:

*Received grant funding in 2017 from Spectrum.

Our Continued Commitment

In addition to these financial grants, Charter provides PSAs, workshops and webinars to local nonprofit organizations.

To be eligible for a Spectrum Digital Education Grant, applying organizations must serve communities located in a Spectrum market, have 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status and and meet a variety of other key requirements.

For more information about this round of Spectrum Digital Education Grants visit Charter Newsroom