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Press ReleaseFebruary 17, 2016

Spectrum Business Hiring in Rochester, Minnesota

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The Spectrum Business Call Center, located in Rochester, Minnesota is hiring front line team members to serve our business customers. We're looking to fill two types of roles: Technical Support Customer Relations Coordinators and Billing Customer Relations Coordinators.

The right candidates will be computer and Internet savvy with experience of providing customer support. Spectrum Business is hosting a career fair on Friday, Feb. 19, at the Charter Communications offices located at the IBM Campus, 3605 Hwy 52 N, Bldg.  #005, Rochester, Minnesota from 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. CST.

Recruiters will be on-site for immediate interviews. Professional attire is required.

For more information about these positions, and to apply online, visit, searching for job numbers 1601782 or 1601724.