Community ImpactJune 22, 2015
Meet Us in St. Louis
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It’s 8:00 a.m. on a Saturday. Most people are just waking up, about to enjoy a day off work. But on this particularly warm day in early May, more than 50 Charter employee volunteers woke up – and geared up – for a long day full of hard work and laughter.
Since 2008, more than 300 St. Louis-based Charter employees have donated their time to rebuilding the homes of low-income homeowners. Done in conjunction with Rebuilding Together’s local affiliate, Rebuilding Together St. Louis, this yearly event is now officially part of the Charter our Community initiative – and is the model for the corporate-wide program.
“Charter volunteers are as good as they get, and I can’t imagine a better partnership,” said Dave Ervin, Executive Director of Rebuilding Together St. Louis. “To see our corporate office and Charter’s corporate team work together and take this national is a wonderful thing.”
Homeowner Anna and her family pose for a photo
Good Neighbors
For the May 2015 St. Louis rebuild, Charter volunteers improved the health and safety of Mel Verne’s and Anna’s homes in the Pine Lawn neighborhood. They’ve been neighbors for more than 40 years.
Work included installing handicap accessible amenities, security lighting and fencing, as well as painting and yardwork. “I have no words to describe how grateful I am that these young people think enough of the community to be so kind to help me,” said Mel Verne.
“Several years ago my family helped our neighbor with a Rebuilding Together event, so I know how blessed I am to have all these volunteers helping me now,” explained Anna.
Charter Communications employees Tim and Katie have the tough task of scraping paint
Feeling Good About Giving Back
“Charter is giving back to local communities through these rebuild events all over the U.S. We showed up today ready to make an impact,” added Everlena Montgomery, a Charter Commission Operations Analyst.
A Charter our Community volunteer coordinator, Katie Stoverink, Director of Sales Operations, was thrilled to participate in another Rebuilding Together event, noting “I just love the look on the homeowners face knowing we are making their home safer and more livable.” At the end of the day, it is all about the homeowners.
Both Mel Verne and Anna were very grateful for the work that was done. Perhaps it was summed up best by Anna during an interview with a local TV station about the day: “Charter Our Community and Rebuilding Together got me back together!” she exclaimed. And we look forward to getting together with our St. Louis employee volunteers on another Charter our Community event, soon.
Charter Communications employee Mary Jo puts a fresh coat of paint on homeowner Mel Verne’s picket fence
Charter Communications and Rebuilding Together volunteers pose for a group photo with the homeowners
(L-R) Charter Communications employees Matthew, Don and DeSanta assist in a woodworking project
Porch painting kept Charter Communciations volunteers Shaveena, Kimberly and Frederick busy most of the day
Charter Communications employees Anita and Connie paint latticework
Volunteers prep concrete for new fencing
Charter Communications employees Mandi and Nicholas remove homeowner Mel Verne’s old kitchen floor
Charter Communications employee Connie removes old paint from latticework
Charter Communications employee Ashley puts a new coat of paint on homeowner Anna’s front porch
Charter Communications employees Lauren (top) and Elizabeth (bottom) clear brush from a fence
Charter Communciations employees Andrew and Ted remove a fence that will be replaced
Charter Communications employee Beth paints latticework
(L-R) Charter Communications employees Ted, Tom and Williams dig holes for a new fence